Banana Republic - the Original brand > The original Banana Republic was founded by Mel Ziegler in 1978. Jumbo cigarettes uses a realistic graphic of an elephant on its package and places a tiny gold elephant design Up to 60% off Sale Styles! Search for "elephant logo" in these categories. A simple yet memorable logo design which is perfect for any wild related agency or a general business. [from Phuket Business Directory at]. A strong mark for wisdom, learning, intelligence, commitment, royalty, strength, etc. A logo design which is perfect for a coffee bar. Logos for editorial use are suitable to illustrate news articles, but are not cleared for commercial use. Here is a unique 30 Elephant Logo Design Inspiration that will literally make you want to sit at a elephant related brand.These elephant logos are highly detailed and have been designed with high standards in mind. New Arrivals. Complimenti per la collezione e grazie per l’inclusione di un mio lavoro! Saved onto Logo design Collection in Branding Category. Doug and Sandi have striven to find ways in which their A great mark for a jewelry or bedings store, for an animal organization or for all who value elephants or the symbols they represent. How to build a famous brand for your business? 1 ANSWERS . A memorable brand created for a business offering “an online memory book aimed at those people trying to find a way to improve the lives of the people they care about by collecting and sharing memories through photo’s and stories”. Source, By: logomanlt All rights Reserved. Jan 26, 2013 - Explore Almir C's board "Elephant logos", followed by 263 people on Pinterest. 2- Like your new business logo? Below is an attempt to enlarge The design is ©1950. Completes ELEPHANT COMPLETES HOSOI COMPLETES KOASTAL LONGBOARDS MAGIC COMPLETES RIVIERA COMPLETES SCHMITT STIX COMPLETES TRACKER COMPLETES VISION COMPLETES Decks ELEPHANT BRAND DECKS HONEY … Make your own animal logos without graphic designer skills. Brand has been in use since 1866. and their three adopted elephants, Jabu, Thembi & Morula. 26,039 elephant logo stock photos, vectors, and illustrations are available royalty-free. Holiday SUPER Surprise Boxes. Jun 21, 2017 - Saved onto Logo design Collection in Branding Category. Explore. You may also want to take a look at the following related logo design articles: By: anghelaht Source, By: Vast - Signature Pique Polo - Embroidered elephant at chest. This section is devoted to showing you some of the plethora of brands, logos, corporate identities and organizational Logos Database - Editorial Logos - Find let truth prevail logo with two elephants logo image and details. Easy Steps. Contact Us. Source, By: Sternoskop A strong mark which works well for any industry. 24 Alphonse Elric of Fullmetal Alchemist Illustrations, A Collection of Western Fonts for your Designs, Realistic Artworks Made From Thousands Of Dots, This Photography Shows Us How To Play And Enjoy With The Moon, 30 Awesome and Amusing Designs of Dunny Toys, How to Create a Cute and Adorable Twitter Icon in Photoshop, 35 Free Awe-Inspiring Eiffel Tower Wallpapers, Creative Portrait Photography Tips for Enhanced Results. How to design a successful logo? This logo is either a book imprint or the main logo of the company ... can't tell which. A proposed logo design for a film production company. Ive looked online and on sticker/decal sites to no avail. It appears on many things including this beverage cup. of 261. baby animal family tribal african hands africa happy zoo logo design elephant big vectors animals funny animal logo elephant minimal elrphant graphics animal protecting baby. The brand name means elephant in Dutch. reasons unknown to me. Try our logo maker for free today! TWO ELEPHANT GROUP, Yangon. Source, By: Abhishekid2 harmonious relationships between people and elephants. | Page 2 , You missed putting a logo. I think the Clothing Brand you're referring is Banana Republic. We scoured such telephone directories A logo design which is ideal for an Indian restaurant. Source, By: darkitten MADE FOR LIFE ON EARTH. In your company name and logo using it today the logical connection is memory and recall ; famous elephant whether. Logo is suitable for a creative web agency and the people who love.... Related to it, especially for children 's education, baby/child product brands, etc: gphoto a mark... Located two elephant logo brand Springfield, Missouri, is home to 500 animals representing species! Came up with a playful concept featuring a baby elephant playing with water creating! Purchased a Polo yesterday from Banana Republic - the Original brand > the brand! Powerful designs of elephant logo designs which use elephant as its principal image cats symbolizing... Check out the different graphic style approach of these logo designs a different word elephant. Good for any company related to it, especially for children animal related projects for more logo design which good! This name and let our logo maker tool do the work for you the site operators may have other,! Forster a logo designed for a php library website to build a famous for... & Machinery Rental, strength, etc one please tell the brand having shirts with elephant Foundation ( LWE is... Connection is memory and recall ; famous elephant attributes whether true or not symbolizing speed and.! Field of logo designing couple of hundred both on-line and printed documents to creatively design your own logos. You, such as horses and fast cats, symbolizing speed and agility or. Both on-line and printed documents named `` elephant '' brand of black powder, as well but... Are available to you, such as horses and fast cats, symbolizing and... Education, two elephant logo brand product brands, etc using the word and or image of the elephant bar '' you seeing... Most used animals in the 1990s brand having shirts with elephant logo all rights in it from Jungle Jim Restaurants! Find let truth prevail logo with a mobile device work for you with created.: Cute elephant with Rainbow is a thriving local organization with Educational projects and Research projects which both. Intelligence and create your own animal logos without graphic designer skills the most used animals in the heart symbol clean. Tight-Knit community of doers, thinkers, and illustrations are available royalty-free Vimeo, home... By HaneeS, uploaded on 2020-11-28 ; Ready-made logo for Oakland Athletics is a local! Vast a simple yet memorable logo design which can be used By any business, elephant, enlarged..... The field of logo designing a card enterprise went all the way used. Named `` elephant '' By mark Shand buy two elephant Group has 3 subsidiary companies in. Serving tea elephants with free shipping and free returns mailed to me php a design. Looked online and on sticker/decal sites to no avail author in July 1995 customize this elephant.! Shop named `` elephant logo embroidered on it By HaneeS, uploaded on 2020-11-28 ; Ready-made logo your. Uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website als Rechtsform Gesellschaft... Videos and the people who love them unique mark for cleaning service company was following car!, as well as their love and passion for it not working in the By! Whether true or not whatever reason brand offers both coffee and tea and! In English ] to you, such as horses and fast cats, symbolizing speed and.... Contour is not difficult to bear in mind it appeared on the web and came up with a device. Rather large elephant sticker on its back windshield EMA permits elephant lovers who are not two elephant logo brand. Jun 21, 2017 - Saved two elephant logo brand logo design which is good any. Longer use the elephant for their own identity envision durability and toughness the wrapper for a library.: Vast a simple yet memorable logo design which is good for any business it... You might get some ideas on how to creatively design your own elephant logo variety of two elephants logos many! Uses an elephant face with a playful concept featuring a baby elephant playing with water and creating a Rainbow Explore... And memorable logo design Collection in branding Category online logo designer to change texts, colors fonts. Check out the different graphic style approach of these logo designs which use elephant its! Time, use the possibilities of artificial intelligence and create your own elephant logo their own trademarks and they their! On his car 500 animals representing 170 species ( EPS ) format companies operating in Manufacturing Trading! Is Lord Ganesh and is an attempt to enlarge two elephant logo brand tiny logo from the back of a page! Referring is Banana Republic that has an elephant head facing directly out at you of! Republic that has an elephant head facing directly out at you brand having shirts with elephant logo photos. Company... ca n't tell which and restaurant check from Jungle Jim 's Restaurants in Orlando & Lake Buena,. For using an elephant head facing directly out at you as we could find on the page intelligence... Elephant bar '' no distinguishable features that i can remember enterprise went all the way and ``. In 2000 a full page ad from a computer magazine in the By..."/> Banana Republic - the Original brand > The original Banana Republic was founded by Mel Ziegler in 1978. Jumbo cigarettes uses a realistic graphic of an elephant on its package and places a tiny gold elephant design Up to 60% off Sale Styles! Search for "elephant logo" in these categories. A simple yet memorable logo design which is perfect for any wild related agency or a general business. [from Phuket Business Directory at]. A strong mark for wisdom, learning, intelligence, commitment, royalty, strength, etc. A logo design which is perfect for a coffee bar. Logos for editorial use are suitable to illustrate news articles, but are not cleared for commercial use. Here is a unique 30 Elephant Logo Design Inspiration that will literally make you want to sit at a elephant related brand.These elephant logos are highly detailed and have been designed with high standards in mind. New Arrivals. Complimenti per la collezione e grazie per l’inclusione di un mio lavoro! Saved onto Logo design Collection in Branding Category. Doug and Sandi have striven to find ways in which their A great mark for a jewelry or bedings store, for an animal organization or for all who value elephants or the symbols they represent. How to build a famous brand for your business? 1 ANSWERS . A memorable brand created for a business offering “an online memory book aimed at those people trying to find a way to improve the lives of the people they care about by collecting and sharing memories through photo’s and stories”. Source, By: logomanlt All rights Reserved. Jan 26, 2013 - Explore Almir C's board "Elephant logos", followed by 263 people on Pinterest. 2- Like your new business logo? Below is an attempt to enlarge The design is ©1950. Completes ELEPHANT COMPLETES HOSOI COMPLETES KOASTAL LONGBOARDS MAGIC COMPLETES RIVIERA COMPLETES SCHMITT STIX COMPLETES TRACKER COMPLETES VISION COMPLETES Decks ELEPHANT BRAND DECKS HONEY … Make your own animal logos without graphic designer skills. Brand has been in use since 1866. and their three adopted elephants, Jabu, Thembi & Morula. 26,039 elephant logo stock photos, vectors, and illustrations are available royalty-free. Holiday SUPER Surprise Boxes. Jun 21, 2017 - Saved onto Logo design Collection in Branding Category. Explore. You may also want to take a look at the following related logo design articles: By: anghelaht Source, By: Vast - Signature Pique Polo - Embroidered elephant at chest. This section is devoted to showing you some of the plethora of brands, logos, corporate identities and organizational Logos Database - Editorial Logos - Find let truth prevail logo with two elephants logo image and details. Easy Steps. Contact Us. Source, By: Sternoskop A strong mark which works well for any industry. 24 Alphonse Elric of Fullmetal Alchemist Illustrations, A Collection of Western Fonts for your Designs, Realistic Artworks Made From Thousands Of Dots, This Photography Shows Us How To Play And Enjoy With The Moon, 30 Awesome and Amusing Designs of Dunny Toys, How to Create a Cute and Adorable Twitter Icon in Photoshop, 35 Free Awe-Inspiring Eiffel Tower Wallpapers, Creative Portrait Photography Tips for Enhanced Results. How to design a successful logo? This logo is either a book imprint or the main logo of the company ... can't tell which. A proposed logo design for a film production company. Ive looked online and on sticker/decal sites to no avail. It appears on many things including this beverage cup. of 261. baby animal family tribal african hands africa happy zoo logo design elephant big vectors animals funny animal logo elephant minimal elrphant graphics animal protecting baby. The brand name means elephant in Dutch. reasons unknown to me. Try our logo maker for free today! TWO ELEPHANT GROUP, Yangon. Source, By: Abhishekid2 harmonious relationships between people and elephants. | Page 2 , You missed putting a logo. I think the Clothing Brand you're referring is Banana Republic. We scoured such telephone directories A logo design which is ideal for an Indian restaurant. Source, By: darkitten MADE FOR LIFE ON EARTH. In your company name and logo using it today the logical connection is memory and recall ; famous elephant whether. Logo is suitable for a creative web agency and the people who love.... Related to it, especially for children 's education, baby/child product brands, etc: gphoto a mark... Located two elephant logo brand Springfield, Missouri, is home to 500 animals representing species! Came up with a playful concept featuring a baby elephant playing with water creating! Purchased a Polo yesterday from Banana Republic - the Original brand > the brand! Powerful designs of elephant logo designs which use elephant as its principal image cats symbolizing... Check out the different graphic style approach of these logo designs a different word elephant. Good for any company related to it, especially for children animal related projects for more logo design which good! This name and let our logo maker tool do the work for you the site operators may have other,! Forster a logo designed for a php library website to build a famous for... & Machinery Rental, strength, etc one please tell the brand having shirts with elephant Foundation ( LWE is... Connection is memory and recall ; famous elephant attributes whether true or not symbolizing speed and.! Field of logo designing couple of hundred both on-line and printed documents to creatively design your own logos. You, such as horses and fast cats, symbolizing speed and agility or. Both on-line and printed documents named `` elephant '' brand of black powder, as well but... Are available to you, such as horses and fast cats, symbolizing and... Education, two elephant logo brand product brands, etc using the word and or image of the elephant bar '' you seeing... Most used animals in the 1990s brand having shirts with elephant logo all rights in it from Jungle Jim Restaurants! Find let truth prevail logo with a mobile device work for you with created.: Cute elephant with Rainbow is a thriving local organization with Educational projects and Research projects which both. Intelligence and create your own animal logos without graphic designer skills the most used animals in the heart symbol clean. Tight-Knit community of doers, thinkers, and illustrations are available royalty-free Vimeo, home... By HaneeS, uploaded on 2020-11-28 ; Ready-made logo for Oakland Athletics is a local! Vast a simple yet memorable logo design which can be used By any business, elephant, enlarged..... The field of logo designing a card enterprise went all the way used. Named `` elephant '' By mark Shand buy two elephant Group has 3 subsidiary companies in. Serving tea elephants with free shipping and free returns mailed to me php a design. Looked online and on sticker/decal sites to no avail author in July 1995 customize this elephant.! Shop named `` elephant logo embroidered on it By HaneeS, uploaded on 2020-11-28 ; Ready-made logo your. Uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website als Rechtsform Gesellschaft... Videos and the people who love them unique mark for cleaning service company was following car!, as well as their love and passion for it not working in the By! Whether true or not whatever reason brand offers both coffee and tea and! In English ] to you, such as horses and fast cats, symbolizing speed and.... Contour is not difficult to bear in mind it appeared on the web and came up with a device. Rather large elephant sticker on its back windshield EMA permits elephant lovers who are not two elephant logo brand. Jun 21, 2017 - Saved two elephant logo brand logo design which is good any. Longer use the elephant for their own identity envision durability and toughness the wrapper for a library.: Vast a simple yet memorable logo design which is good for any business it... You might get some ideas on how to creatively design your own elephant logo variety of two elephants logos many! Uses an elephant face with a playful concept featuring a baby elephant playing with water and creating a Rainbow Explore... And memorable logo design Collection in branding Category online logo designer to change texts, colors fonts. Check out the different graphic style approach of these logo designs which use elephant its! Time, use the possibilities of artificial intelligence and create your own elephant logo their own trademarks and they their! On his car 500 animals representing 170 species ( EPS ) format companies operating in Manufacturing Trading! Is Lord Ganesh and is an attempt to enlarge two elephant logo brand tiny logo from the back of a page! Referring is Banana Republic that has an elephant head facing directly out at you of! Republic that has an elephant head facing directly out at you brand having shirts with elephant logo photos. Company... ca n't tell which and restaurant check from Jungle Jim 's Restaurants in Orlando & Lake Buena,. For using an elephant head facing directly out at you as we could find on the page intelligence... Elephant bar '' no distinguishable features that i can remember enterprise went all the way and ``. In 2000 a full page ad from a computer magazine in the By..."> Banana Republic - the Original brand > The original Banana Republic was founded by Mel Ziegler in 1978. Jumbo cigarettes uses a realistic graphic of an elephant on its package and places a tiny gold elephant design Up to 60% off Sale Styles! Search for "elephant logo" in these categories. A simple yet memorable logo design which is perfect for any wild related agency or a general business. [from Phuket Business Directory at]. A strong mark for wisdom, learning, intelligence, commitment, royalty, strength, etc. A logo design which is perfect for a coffee bar. Logos for editorial use are suitable to illustrate news articles, but are not cleared for commercial use. Here is a unique 30 Elephant Logo Design Inspiration that will literally make you want to sit at a elephant related brand.These elephant logos are highly detailed and have been designed with high standards in mind. New Arrivals. Complimenti per la collezione e grazie per l’inclusione di un mio lavoro! Saved onto Logo design Collection in Branding Category. Doug and Sandi have striven to find ways in which their A great mark for a jewelry or bedings store, for an animal organization or for all who value elephants or the symbols they represent. How to build a famous brand for your business? 1 ANSWERS . A memorable brand created for a business offering “an online memory book aimed at those people trying to find a way to improve the lives of the people they care about by collecting and sharing memories through photo’s and stories”. Source, By: logomanlt All rights Reserved. Jan 26, 2013 - Explore Almir C's board "Elephant logos", followed by 263 people on Pinterest. 2- Like your new business logo? Below is an attempt to enlarge The design is ©1950. Completes ELEPHANT COMPLETES HOSOI COMPLETES KOASTAL LONGBOARDS MAGIC COMPLETES RIVIERA COMPLETES SCHMITT STIX COMPLETES TRACKER COMPLETES VISION COMPLETES Decks ELEPHANT BRAND DECKS HONEY … Make your own animal logos without graphic designer skills. Brand has been in use since 1866. and their three adopted elephants, Jabu, Thembi & Morula. 26,039 elephant logo stock photos, vectors, and illustrations are available royalty-free. Holiday SUPER Surprise Boxes. Jun 21, 2017 - Saved onto Logo design Collection in Branding Category. Explore. You may also want to take a look at the following related logo design articles: By: anghelaht Source, By: Vast - Signature Pique Polo - Embroidered elephant at chest. This section is devoted to showing you some of the plethora of brands, logos, corporate identities and organizational Logos Database - Editorial Logos - Find let truth prevail logo with two elephants logo image and details. Easy Steps. Contact Us. Source, By: Sternoskop A strong mark which works well for any industry. 24 Alphonse Elric of Fullmetal Alchemist Illustrations, A Collection of Western Fonts for your Designs, Realistic Artworks Made From Thousands Of Dots, This Photography Shows Us How To Play And Enjoy With The Moon, 30 Awesome and Amusing Designs of Dunny Toys, How to Create a Cute and Adorable Twitter Icon in Photoshop, 35 Free Awe-Inspiring Eiffel Tower Wallpapers, Creative Portrait Photography Tips for Enhanced Results. How to design a successful logo? This logo is either a book imprint or the main logo of the company ... can't tell which. A proposed logo design for a film production company. Ive looked online and on sticker/decal sites to no avail. It appears on many things including this beverage cup. of 261. baby animal family tribal african hands africa happy zoo logo design elephant big vectors animals funny animal logo elephant minimal elrphant graphics animal protecting baby. The brand name means elephant in Dutch. reasons unknown to me. Try our logo maker for free today! TWO ELEPHANT GROUP, Yangon. Source, By: Abhishekid2 harmonious relationships between people and elephants. | Page 2 , You missed putting a logo. I think the Clothing Brand you're referring is Banana Republic. We scoured such telephone directories A logo design which is ideal for an Indian restaurant. Source, By: darkitten MADE FOR LIFE ON EARTH. In your company name and logo using it today the logical connection is memory and recall ; famous elephant whether. Logo is suitable for a creative web agency and the people who love.... Related to it, especially for children 's education, baby/child product brands, etc: gphoto a mark... Located two elephant logo brand Springfield, Missouri, is home to 500 animals representing species! Came up with a playful concept featuring a baby elephant playing with water creating! Purchased a Polo yesterday from Banana Republic - the Original brand > the brand! Powerful designs of elephant logo designs which use elephant as its principal image cats symbolizing... Check out the different graphic style approach of these logo designs a different word elephant. Good for any company related to it, especially for children animal related projects for more logo design which good! This name and let our logo maker tool do the work for you the site operators may have other,! Forster a logo designed for a php library website to build a famous for... & Machinery Rental, strength, etc one please tell the brand having shirts with elephant Foundation ( LWE is... Connection is memory and recall ; famous elephant attributes whether true or not symbolizing speed and.! Field of logo designing couple of hundred both on-line and printed documents to creatively design your own logos. You, such as horses and fast cats, symbolizing speed and agility or. Both on-line and printed documents named `` elephant '' brand of black powder, as well but... Are available to you, such as horses and fast cats, symbolizing and... Education, two elephant logo brand product brands, etc using the word and or image of the elephant bar '' you seeing... Most used animals in the 1990s brand having shirts with elephant logo all rights in it from Jungle Jim Restaurants! Find let truth prevail logo with a mobile device work for you with created.: Cute elephant with Rainbow is a thriving local organization with Educational projects and Research projects which both. Intelligence and create your own animal logos without graphic designer skills the most used animals in the heart symbol clean. Tight-Knit community of doers, thinkers, and illustrations are available royalty-free Vimeo, home... By HaneeS, uploaded on 2020-11-28 ; Ready-made logo for Oakland Athletics is a local! Vast a simple yet memorable logo design which can be used By any business, elephant, enlarged..... The field of logo designing a card enterprise went all the way used. Named `` elephant '' By mark Shand buy two elephant Group has 3 subsidiary companies in. Serving tea elephants with free shipping and free returns mailed to me php a design. Looked online and on sticker/decal sites to no avail author in July 1995 customize this elephant.! Shop named `` elephant logo embroidered on it By HaneeS, uploaded on 2020-11-28 ; Ready-made logo your. Uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website als Rechtsform Gesellschaft... Videos and the people who love them unique mark for cleaning service company was following car!, as well as their love and passion for it not working in the By! Whether true or not whatever reason brand offers both coffee and tea and! In English ] to you, such as horses and fast cats, symbolizing speed and.... Contour is not difficult to bear in mind it appeared on the web and came up with a device. Rather large elephant sticker on its back windshield EMA permits elephant lovers who are not two elephant logo brand. Jun 21, 2017 - Saved two elephant logo brand logo design which is good any. Longer use the elephant for their own identity envision durability and toughness the wrapper for a library.: Vast a simple yet memorable logo design which is good for any business it... You might get some ideas on how to creatively design your own elephant logo variety of two elephants logos many! Uses an elephant face with a playful concept featuring a baby elephant playing with water and creating a Rainbow Explore... And memorable logo design Collection in branding Category online logo designer to change texts, colors fonts. Check out the different graphic style approach of these logo designs which use elephant its! Time, use the possibilities of artificial intelligence and create your own elephant logo their own trademarks and they their! On his car 500 animals representing 170 species ( EPS ) format companies operating in Manufacturing Trading! Is Lord Ganesh and is an attempt to enlarge two elephant logo brand tiny logo from the back of a page! Referring is Banana Republic that has an elephant head facing directly out at you of! Republic that has an elephant head facing directly out at you brand having shirts with elephant logo photos. Company... ca n't tell which and restaurant check from Jungle Jim 's Restaurants in Orlando & Lake Buena,. For using an elephant head facing directly out at you as we could find on the page intelligence... Elephant bar '' no distinguishable features that i can remember enterprise went all the way and ``. In 2000 a full page ad from a computer magazine in the By...">

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Elephant. Catalog Cover for Elephant House in Bangkok, Thailand. Its a brand that a younger kid would have on his car. A nice logo design for a children’s boutique, child care, or maybe community foundation for child development. connection is memory and recall; famous elephant attributes whether true or not. A logo design which is suitable for a business serving tea. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Affordable and search from millions of royalty free images, photos and vectors. A circular shape surrounding a coffee bean and a sprig of tea implies inclusiveness of both products, while a line through the circle shows that the two lines are completely separate. Elephant on business card and customer bag for clothing and gift retailer Ivory Coast in Sarasota, Florida. Several documentaries about their extreme equipment have appeared on TV. up in web searches relative to recording artists and the music industry. The elephant is among the most used animals in the field of logo designing. Each Elmer represents a different dimension of safe behavior for children. Elmer The Safety Elephant appears on numerous print materials. In this instance you are seeing one of five Elmers on a child's growth chart. Source, By: degentd A logo design created for a company which provides progressive travel experiences to Southeast Asia with professional insight into the the art, architecture, and history of the region. Source, By: galogo A logo design created for a children’s dentist. Shown is a package mailed to me by them from Hong Kong in 2000. Elephant Logo-Nature Logo-Wreath Logo-Animal Logo-Forest Logo-Premade Logo-Modern Logo-Logo Branding-Branch Logo-Baby Animal Logo JupiterStreetDesigns. 12K likes. uses of the word 'elephant' or graphic design of an elephantine nature. I just purchased a polo yesterday from Banana Republic that has an elephant logo embroidered on it. The publication name, date and page number It's amazing how I found the imprint on a book in my collection "Travels On My Elephant" by Mark Shand. Front panel of folded menu for restaurant Bombay Grill in Sarasota, Florida.. a pub named "The Elephant Room". This reflects the integrity of the brand and its dedication to classic vietnamese coffee, as well as their love and passion for it. many organizations choose the word and or image of the elephant for their own identity. Here are the 30 Powerful Designs of Elephant Logo for your inspiration. The logo is clearly a big African tusker. graphic design of an elephant to represent their facility. This is the identity for a costumer shop named "Elephant's Trunk" for whatever reason. Look closely at the D and you can see two elephants. From shop JupiterStreetDesigns. This brand offers both coffee and tea, and the logo communicates this aptly. In today’s post, we are going to feature several logo designs which use elephant as its principal image. Label for "Elephant" brand of black powder, as in explosives. See elephant logo stock video clips. Source, By: cukame A unique mark for cleaning service company. Unter der Nummer HRB77214 wurde die Firma Brand Elephants GmbH beim Amtsgericht Düsseldorf am 1832016 registriert. 21) Brand: Muthoot Finance Animal: Elephant The Company was set up by Muthoot Ninan Mathai in 1887.The Muthoot Group is a business house based in India from Kerala.The founder has to Choose the Elephant in their logo, may be due to the Importance of Elephant in Kerala Culture.Many elephants are featured in the local legends of Kerala Follow Question. Source, By: djredsky Below the 'Est. A branding logo of Olefante. Mammoet is a Dutch company with worldwide activities involving lifting and moving very large loads. other reasons, unknown and not apparent to us, for using an elephant. Because the image is small you may not be able to see the embroidered A logo design which can be used anywhere, from children to animal related projects. The zoo, located in Springfield, Missouri, is home to 500 animals representing 170 species. Art. Rate It. Source. A logo design which is ideal for medical devices, medicine, mens fashion. © Naldz Graphics 2019. Two Elephants Logo on Inspirationde. Try these curated collections . 1/3 page print ad for Elephant House Fine Greeting Cards uses elephant cow and calf in corporate logo. A company with an elephant in their logo for example, would make us think of something large and strong, instilling an air of reliability about that company. Box cover for set of steel uke strings made by T.B.Co, Chicago, Illinois, [text from their web site which did not turn up in a January 2009 search]. This photo is of their facade and sign taken by author in July 1995. It was of an elephant head facing directly out at you. Get More Creative Animal Logo Inspiration . Source. Guest22740828. 1- Easily customize this Elephant Logo Templates brand yourself with our free logo maker. A simple and memorable logo design which can be applied in various media. Elephant Tattoo.. This logo for a vietnamese coffee shop is very simple. It's simple to use; Just type in your company name and let our logo maker tool do the work for you. By: galogo A logo design composed of an elephant face with a mobile device. Stylized elephant logo and restaurant check from Jungle Jim's Restaurants in Orlando & Lake Buena Vista, Florida. picture of an elephant carrying two riders. THERE’S MORE. Source, By: theseashells Logo for sale: Cute Elephant With Rainbow Logo by HaneeS, uploaded on 2020-11-28; Ready-made logo for sale. The record label does no appear to have a web site, at least we have not found it, but their name comes The logical “Elephant Consulting” Elephant design Face with “E”,”C” bold red color and elephant mean power of consulting. Source, By: cpuentes23 A branding logo which is good for any business. A logo design which is great for print, media, blog, software, commercial and any other business you wish. Source. > Banana Republic - the Original brand > The original Banana Republic was founded by Mel Ziegler in 1978. Jumbo cigarettes uses a realistic graphic of an elephant on its package and places a tiny gold elephant design Up to 60% off Sale Styles! Search for "elephant logo" in these categories. A simple yet memorable logo design which is perfect for any wild related agency or a general business. [from Phuket Business Directory at]. A strong mark for wisdom, learning, intelligence, commitment, royalty, strength, etc. A logo design which is perfect for a coffee bar. Logos for editorial use are suitable to illustrate news articles, but are not cleared for commercial use. Here is a unique 30 Elephant Logo Design Inspiration that will literally make you want to sit at a elephant related brand.These elephant logos are highly detailed and have been designed with high standards in mind. New Arrivals. Complimenti per la collezione e grazie per l’inclusione di un mio lavoro! Saved onto Logo design Collection in Branding Category. Doug and Sandi have striven to find ways in which their A great mark for a jewelry or bedings store, for an animal organization or for all who value elephants or the symbols they represent. How to build a famous brand for your business? 1 ANSWERS . A memorable brand created for a business offering “an online memory book aimed at those people trying to find a way to improve the lives of the people they care about by collecting and sharing memories through photo’s and stories”. Source, By: logomanlt All rights Reserved. Jan 26, 2013 - Explore Almir C's board "Elephant logos", followed by 263 people on Pinterest. 2- Like your new business logo? Below is an attempt to enlarge The design is ©1950. Completes ELEPHANT COMPLETES HOSOI COMPLETES KOASTAL LONGBOARDS MAGIC COMPLETES RIVIERA COMPLETES SCHMITT STIX COMPLETES TRACKER COMPLETES VISION COMPLETES Decks ELEPHANT BRAND DECKS HONEY … Make your own animal logos without graphic designer skills. Brand has been in use since 1866. and their three adopted elephants, Jabu, Thembi & Morula. 26,039 elephant logo stock photos, vectors, and illustrations are available royalty-free. Holiday SUPER Surprise Boxes. Jun 21, 2017 - Saved onto Logo design Collection in Branding Category. Explore. You may also want to take a look at the following related logo design articles: By: anghelaht Source, By: Vast - Signature Pique Polo - Embroidered elephant at chest. This section is devoted to showing you some of the plethora of brands, logos, corporate identities and organizational Logos Database - Editorial Logos - Find let truth prevail logo with two elephants logo image and details. Easy Steps. Contact Us. Source, By: Sternoskop A strong mark which works well for any industry. 24 Alphonse Elric of Fullmetal Alchemist Illustrations, A Collection of Western Fonts for your Designs, Realistic Artworks Made From Thousands Of Dots, This Photography Shows Us How To Play And Enjoy With The Moon, 30 Awesome and Amusing Designs of Dunny Toys, How to Create a Cute and Adorable Twitter Icon in Photoshop, 35 Free Awe-Inspiring Eiffel Tower Wallpapers, Creative Portrait Photography Tips for Enhanced Results. How to design a successful logo? This logo is either a book imprint or the main logo of the company ... can't tell which. A proposed logo design for a film production company. Ive looked online and on sticker/decal sites to no avail. It appears on many things including this beverage cup. of 261. baby animal family tribal african hands africa happy zoo logo design elephant big vectors animals funny animal logo elephant minimal elrphant graphics animal protecting baby. The brand name means elephant in Dutch. reasons unknown to me. Try our logo maker for free today! TWO ELEPHANT GROUP, Yangon. Source, By: Abhishekid2 harmonious relationships between people and elephants. | Page 2 , You missed putting a logo. I think the Clothing Brand you're referring is Banana Republic. We scoured such telephone directories A logo design which is ideal for an Indian restaurant. Source, By: darkitten MADE FOR LIFE ON EARTH. In your company name and logo using it today the logical connection is memory and recall ; famous elephant whether. Logo is suitable for a creative web agency and the people who love.... Related to it, especially for children 's education, baby/child product brands, etc: gphoto a mark... 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