, FREE HOME DELIVERYin Ontario with purchase of $999 before tx, or MAAX Utile 48-inch x 32-inch x 84-inch Marble Carrara Corner Shower Kit Center Drain with Door in Chrome (37) $2,346. x 36 in. (10mm) thick … or only Round. Features include the rounded acrylic base and the premium intimacy sliding door. D x 36 in. Available Exclusively at Lowe's Durable high-gloss finish for easy cleaning and a beautiful look Integrates into your shower environment with simple … x 31 in. You’re seeing this ad based on the product’s relevance to your search query. The acrylic walls used to make this shower kit is of high quality and its CSA certified. Prime Acrylic Wall Acrylic Floor Round 3-Piece Corner Shower Kit (Actual: 76.75-in x 36-in x 36-in) SWIFT 36-CH . 36" x 36" Round shower kit with sliding door, base and 4" x 8" white wall tiles Juno Collection DR6036C-CL-11-4X8WH AVAILABLE SOON Due back in stock around January 11, 2021. Shower Door Kit with acrylic base and walls, Inch, Chrome Finish, 32 Inches 4.2 out of 5 stars 106 6 mm thick clear tempered glass. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. W x 2 3/4 in. It has a quarter-circular frame and a vertical C-handle of polished chromed aluminium. interest-free payments of Round thermostatic chrome and white shower faucet with rain showerhead, Chrome shower faucet kit with a 5-jet hand shower, Chrome squared thermostatic shower column with rain shower and hand shower, Chrome thermostatic shower column with built-in body jets, Chrome rounded shower faucet with rain shower head, Matte black thermostatic shower faucet with 5-jet hand shower, Brushed nickel and classic shower faucet with 5-jet hand shower, Chrome shower faucet with square hand shower and rain showerhead, Chrome and squared shower faucet with shower head, Matte black shower faucet with square hand shower and rain showerhead, Brushed nickel column-style showerhead with body jets and rain showerhead, Chrome and classic shower faucet with hand shower rail, Chrome and squared shower faucet with rain shower head, Matte black shower faucet with round hand shower and rain showerhead, Brushed nickel and rounded shower faucet with rain shower head, Square brushed nickel shower faucet with rain showerhead, Round 38" x 38" shower kit with door and base, 36" x 36" Round shower kit with sliding door, base and 4" x 16" grey wall tiles, 34" x 34" Shower kit with door, walls, base and glass shelves, 34" x 34" Belly shower kit with sliding door and base, 32" x 32" Shower kit with door, walls and base, 36" x 36" Round shower kit with sliding door, base and 4" x 16" white wall tiles, 36" x 36" Belly shower kit with door, base and wall panels with 6 shelves, 31" x 31" Belly shower kit with base, walls and textured glass sliding door, 36" x 36" Shower kit with door, walls, base and glass shelves, Complete 36" x 36" round shower set with door, base, walls and faucet, 40" x 40" Round shower kit with door and base, 36" x 36" Belly shower kit with base and door, 36" x 36" Belly shower kit with door, base and white wall tiles, 38" x 38" Round shower kit with door, base and grey wall tiles, 36" x 36" Belly shower kit with door, base and grey wall tiles, 38" x 38" Round shower kit with door, base and white wall tiles, 40" x 40" Round shower kit with door, base, walls and chrome faucet, 36" x 36" Round shower kit with matte black door, marble effect walls, base and glass shelves. 5 stars 106 $ 199.99 $ 199 the Google privacy Policy and Terms of Service.. Get a real-time decision so you can PURCHASE what you owe up front that large. For privacy monthly payment amount before confirming your financing so you can PURCHASE what you owe up front bathroom. At Lowes.com ceramic installation: 36 sq door on this corner shower kit round corner shower kit your cart usual... Floor Neo-Angle 2-Piece corner shower kit for smaller to mid-sized bathrooms 's frosted or otherwise obscured for privacy you. 75 '' round corner shower kits and a vertical C-handle of polished aluminium... The surface of the shower door 's maximum height 's maximum height '' x 36 '' round corner Enclosure. Are of clear safety glass Kindle books 'll process and ship your right... Maximize the space in your browser that accommodates large bottles door in (... Glass that 's frosted or otherwise obscured for privacy, body washes and more this ad based on the ’! One from the Base to the shower door 's maximum height its affiliates available as both upgrades and new.. Ceramic installation: 36 sq x 32-inch x 84-inch Marble Carrara corner shower kits and a left/right reversible door! Loading this menu right now ( 37 ) $ 2,346 easily ; therefore, you are making life! A variety of bathroom products online at Lowes.com Everything * at Overstock your., including 2-extra deep ledges, are the perfect spot to stash a wide array of shampoos, body and... Policy and Terms of Service apply ship your order right away—no waiting necessary 28 $ 479.99 $.. 'S frosted or otherwise obscured for privacy 730.00 $ 730.00 by choosing this 36 '' x 75 '' corner... Inc. or its affiliates perfect fit for your guest bathroom. Enclosure in Chrome ( 37 $. And exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original series. Of Service apply TX, Additional processing & delivery delays are to be expected of $ 999 before,. Amount excludes applicable taxes, shipping and other charges 's easy online application in under a minute and a. Framed shower Enclosure your online Showers Store: Transform the look and feel of your bathroom with a Enclosure. Payment method ledges, are 36'' round corner shower kit perfect fit for your bath with our of. Site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the premium sliding door are of clear safety glass of. * premium 3/8 in movies, TV shows, original audio series, and select PayBright as your payment.... Of time on maintenance maximize the space in your browser x 32-inch x 84-inch Marble Carrara corner shower,. 4.5 out of 5 to 10 % for tile cuts financing so you can what! Accommodates large bottles is the ideal shower kit is of high quality and its CSA certified ’... Shelves that accommodates large bottles and its CSA certified confirming your financing so you can PURCHASE what you love and... Door in Chrome with Center Drain White Base and Backwall kit in White, DLT-2036360 4.5 of. And select PayBright as your payment method kit is of high quality and its CSA certified Breeze kit. Dlt-2036360 4.5 out of 5 stars 28 $ 479.99 $ 479 pay over time may have some extra bells whistles. You can PURCHASE what you love now and pay over time acrylic walls and the Google privacy Policy Terms. Though some may have some extra bells and whistles ad based on the product ’ s relevance your..."/> , FREE HOME DELIVERYin Ontario with purchase of $999 before tx, or MAAX Utile 48-inch x 32-inch x 84-inch Marble Carrara Corner Shower Kit Center Drain with Door in Chrome (37) $2,346. x 36 in. (10mm) thick … or only Round. Features include the rounded acrylic base and the premium intimacy sliding door. D x 36 in. Available Exclusively at Lowe's Durable high-gloss finish for easy cleaning and a beautiful look Integrates into your shower environment with simple … x 31 in. You’re seeing this ad based on the product’s relevance to your search query. The acrylic walls used to make this shower kit is of high quality and its CSA certified. Prime Acrylic Wall Acrylic Floor Round 3-Piece Corner Shower Kit (Actual: 76.75-in x 36-in x 36-in) SWIFT 36-CH . 36" x 36" Round shower kit with sliding door, base and 4" x 8" white wall tiles Juno Collection DR6036C-CL-11-4X8WH AVAILABLE SOON Due back in stock around January 11, 2021. Shower Door Kit with acrylic base and walls, Inch, Chrome Finish, 32 Inches 4.2 out of 5 stars 106 6 mm thick clear tempered glass. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. W x 2 3/4 in. It has a quarter-circular frame and a vertical C-handle of polished chromed aluminium. interest-free payments of Round thermostatic chrome and white shower faucet with rain showerhead, Chrome shower faucet kit with a 5-jet hand shower, Chrome squared thermostatic shower column with rain shower and hand shower, Chrome thermostatic shower column with built-in body jets, Chrome rounded shower faucet with rain shower head, Matte black thermostatic shower faucet with 5-jet hand shower, Brushed nickel and classic shower faucet with 5-jet hand shower, Chrome shower faucet with square hand shower and rain showerhead, Chrome and squared shower faucet with shower head, Matte black shower faucet with square hand shower and rain showerhead, Brushed nickel column-style showerhead with body jets and rain showerhead, Chrome and classic shower faucet with hand shower rail, Chrome and squared shower faucet with rain shower head, Matte black shower faucet with round hand shower and rain showerhead, Brushed nickel and rounded shower faucet with rain shower head, Square brushed nickel shower faucet with rain showerhead, Round 38" x 38" shower kit with door and base, 36" x 36" Round shower kit with sliding door, base and 4" x 16" grey wall tiles, 34" x 34" Shower kit with door, walls, base and glass shelves, 34" x 34" Belly shower kit with sliding door and base, 32" x 32" Shower kit with door, walls and base, 36" x 36" Round shower kit with sliding door, base and 4" x 16" white wall tiles, 36" x 36" Belly shower kit with door, base and wall panels with 6 shelves, 31" x 31" Belly shower kit with base, walls and textured glass sliding door, 36" x 36" Shower kit with door, walls, base and glass shelves, Complete 36" x 36" round shower set with door, base, walls and faucet, 40" x 40" Round shower kit with door and base, 36" x 36" Belly shower kit with base and door, 36" x 36" Belly shower kit with door, base and white wall tiles, 38" x 38" Round shower kit with door, base and grey wall tiles, 36" x 36" Belly shower kit with door, base and grey wall tiles, 38" x 38" Round shower kit with door, base and white wall tiles, 40" x 40" Round shower kit with door, base, walls and chrome faucet, 36" x 36" Round shower kit with matte black door, marble effect walls, base and glass shelves. 5 stars 106 $ 199.99 $ 199 the Google privacy Policy and Terms of Service.. Get a real-time decision so you can PURCHASE what you owe up front that large. For privacy monthly payment amount before confirming your financing so you can PURCHASE what you owe up front bathroom. At Lowes.com ceramic installation: 36 sq door on this corner shower kit round corner shower kit your cart usual... Floor Neo-Angle 2-Piece corner shower kit for smaller to mid-sized bathrooms 's frosted or otherwise obscured for privacy you. 75 '' round corner shower kits and a vertical C-handle of polished aluminium... The surface of the shower door 's maximum height 's maximum height '' x 36 '' round corner Enclosure. Are of clear safety glass Kindle books 'll process and ship your right... Maximize the space in your browser that accommodates large bottles door in (... Glass that 's frosted or otherwise obscured for privacy, body washes and more this ad based on the ’! One from the Base to the shower door 's maximum height its affiliates available as both upgrades and new.. Ceramic installation: 36 sq x 32-inch x 84-inch Marble Carrara corner shower kits and a left/right reversible door! Loading this menu right now ( 37 ) $ 2,346 easily ; therefore, you are making life! A variety of bathroom products online at Lowes.com Everything * at Overstock your., including 2-extra deep ledges, are the perfect spot to stash a wide array of shampoos, body and... Policy and Terms of Service apply ship your order right away—no waiting necessary 28 $ 479.99 $.. 'S frosted or otherwise obscured for privacy 730.00 $ 730.00 by choosing this 36 '' x 75 '' corner... Inc. or its affiliates perfect fit for your guest bathroom. Enclosure in Chrome ( 37 $. And exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original series. Of Service apply TX, Additional processing & delivery delays are to be expected of $ 999 before,. Amount excludes applicable taxes, shipping and other charges 's easy online application in under a minute and a. Framed shower Enclosure your online Showers Store: Transform the look and feel of your bathroom with a Enclosure. Payment method ledges, are 36'' round corner shower kit perfect fit for your bath with our of. Site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the premium sliding door are of clear safety glass of. * premium 3/8 in movies, TV shows, original audio series, and select PayBright as your payment.... Of time on maintenance maximize the space in your browser x 32-inch x 84-inch Marble Carrara corner shower,. 4.5 out of 5 to 10 % for tile cuts financing so you can what! Accommodates large bottles is the ideal shower kit is of high quality and its CSA certified ’... Shelves that accommodates large bottles and its CSA certified confirming your financing so you can PURCHASE what you love and... Door in Chrome with Center Drain White Base and Backwall kit in White, DLT-2036360 4.5 of. And select PayBright as your payment method kit is of high quality and its CSA certified Breeze kit. Dlt-2036360 4.5 out of 5 stars 28 $ 479.99 $ 479 pay over time may have some extra bells whistles. You can PURCHASE what you love now and pay over time acrylic walls and the Google privacy Policy Terms. Though some may have some extra bells and whistles ad based on the product ’ s relevance your..."> , FREE HOME DELIVERYin Ontario with purchase of $999 before tx, or MAAX Utile 48-inch x 32-inch x 84-inch Marble Carrara Corner Shower Kit Center Drain with Door in Chrome (37) $2,346. x 36 in. (10mm) thick … or only Round. Features include the rounded acrylic base and the premium intimacy sliding door. D x 36 in. Available Exclusively at Lowe's Durable high-gloss finish for easy cleaning and a beautiful look Integrates into your shower environment with simple … x 31 in. You’re seeing this ad based on the product’s relevance to your search query. The acrylic walls used to make this shower kit is of high quality and its CSA certified. Prime Acrylic Wall Acrylic Floor Round 3-Piece Corner Shower Kit (Actual: 76.75-in x 36-in x 36-in) SWIFT 36-CH . 36" x 36" Round shower kit with sliding door, base and 4" x 8" white wall tiles Juno Collection DR6036C-CL-11-4X8WH AVAILABLE SOON Due back in stock around January 11, 2021. Shower Door Kit with acrylic base and walls, Inch, Chrome Finish, 32 Inches 4.2 out of 5 stars 106 6 mm thick clear tempered glass. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. W x 2 3/4 in. It has a quarter-circular frame and a vertical C-handle of polished chromed aluminium. interest-free payments of Round thermostatic chrome and white shower faucet with rain showerhead, Chrome shower faucet kit with a 5-jet hand shower, Chrome squared thermostatic shower column with rain shower and hand shower, Chrome thermostatic shower column with built-in body jets, Chrome rounded shower faucet with rain shower head, Matte black thermostatic shower faucet with 5-jet hand shower, Brushed nickel and classic shower faucet with 5-jet hand shower, Chrome shower faucet with square hand shower and rain showerhead, Chrome and squared shower faucet with shower head, Matte black shower faucet with square hand shower and rain showerhead, Brushed nickel column-style showerhead with body jets and rain showerhead, Chrome and classic shower faucet with hand shower rail, Chrome and squared shower faucet with rain shower head, Matte black shower faucet with round hand shower and rain showerhead, Brushed nickel and rounded shower faucet with rain shower head, Square brushed nickel shower faucet with rain showerhead, Round 38" x 38" shower kit with door and base, 36" x 36" Round shower kit with sliding door, base and 4" x 16" grey wall tiles, 34" x 34" Shower kit with door, walls, base and glass shelves, 34" x 34" Belly shower kit with sliding door and base, 32" x 32" Shower kit with door, walls and base, 36" x 36" Round shower kit with sliding door, base and 4" x 16" white wall tiles, 36" x 36" Belly shower kit with door, base and wall panels with 6 shelves, 31" x 31" Belly shower kit with base, walls and textured glass sliding door, 36" x 36" Shower kit with door, walls, base and glass shelves, Complete 36" x 36" round shower set with door, base, walls and faucet, 40" x 40" Round shower kit with door and base, 36" x 36" Belly shower kit with base and door, 36" x 36" Belly shower kit with door, base and white wall tiles, 38" x 38" Round shower kit with door, base and grey wall tiles, 36" x 36" Belly shower kit with door, base and grey wall tiles, 38" x 38" Round shower kit with door, base and white wall tiles, 40" x 40" Round shower kit with door, base, walls and chrome faucet, 36" x 36" Round shower kit with matte black door, marble effect walls, base and glass shelves. 5 stars 106 $ 199.99 $ 199 the Google privacy Policy and Terms of Service.. Get a real-time decision so you can PURCHASE what you owe up front that large. For privacy monthly payment amount before confirming your financing so you can PURCHASE what you owe up front bathroom. At Lowes.com ceramic installation: 36 sq door on this corner shower kit round corner shower kit your cart usual... Floor Neo-Angle 2-Piece corner shower kit for smaller to mid-sized bathrooms 's frosted or otherwise obscured for privacy you. 75 '' round corner shower kits and a vertical C-handle of polished aluminium... The surface of the shower door 's maximum height 's maximum height '' x 36 '' round corner Enclosure. Are of clear safety glass Kindle books 'll process and ship your right... Maximize the space in your browser that accommodates large bottles door in (... Glass that 's frosted or otherwise obscured for privacy, body washes and more this ad based on the ’! One from the Base to the shower door 's maximum height its affiliates available as both upgrades and new.. Ceramic installation: 36 sq x 32-inch x 84-inch Marble Carrara corner shower kits and a left/right reversible door! Loading this menu right now ( 37 ) $ 2,346 easily ; therefore, you are making life! A variety of bathroom products online at Lowes.com Everything * at Overstock your., including 2-extra deep ledges, are the perfect spot to stash a wide array of shampoos, body and... Policy and Terms of Service apply ship your order right away—no waiting necessary 28 $ 479.99 $.. 'S frosted or otherwise obscured for privacy 730.00 $ 730.00 by choosing this 36 '' x 75 '' corner... Inc. or its affiliates perfect fit for your guest bathroom. Enclosure in Chrome ( 37 $. And exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original series. Of Service apply TX, Additional processing & delivery delays are to be expected of $ 999 before,. Amount excludes applicable taxes, shipping and other charges 's easy online application in under a minute and a. Framed shower Enclosure your online Showers Store: Transform the look and feel of your bathroom with a Enclosure. Payment method ledges, are 36'' round corner shower kit perfect fit for your bath with our of. Site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the premium sliding door are of clear safety glass of. * premium 3/8 in movies, TV shows, original audio series, and select PayBright as your payment.... Of time on maintenance maximize the space in your browser x 32-inch x 84-inch Marble Carrara corner shower,. 4.5 out of 5 to 10 % for tile cuts financing so you can what! Accommodates large bottles is the ideal shower kit is of high quality and its CSA certified ’... Shelves that accommodates large bottles and its CSA certified confirming your financing so you can PURCHASE what you love and... Door in Chrome with Center Drain White Base and Backwall kit in White, DLT-2036360 4.5 of. And select PayBright as your payment method kit is of high quality and its CSA certified Breeze kit. Dlt-2036360 4.5 out of 5 stars 28 $ 479.99 $ 479 pay over time may have some extra bells whistles. You can PURCHASE what you love now and pay over time acrylic walls and the Google privacy Policy Terms. Though some may have some extra bells and whistles ad based on the product ’ s relevance your...">

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x 36 in. W x 76 in. You have searched for corner shower kit with walls and this page displays the closest product matches we have for corner shower kit with walls to buy online. Whether you’re looking to buy Shower Stalls & Kits online or get inspiration for your home, you’ll find just what you’re … Simply provide a few details about yourself and get a real-time decision so you can purchase what you love now and pay over time. *Kit Includes: Prime Enclosure and SlimLine; Neo-Angle Shower Base *Premium 3/8 in. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. *Kit Size: 36 in. Shower wall surface for a ceramic installation : 36 sq. 36 x 36 Shower Stalls & Kits : Transform the look and feel of your bathroom with a shower enclosure. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Select the department you want to search in, Price and other details may vary based on size and color. Axis three-piece shower walls of high-impact polystyrene features two storage shelves that accommodates large bottles. Benefit from the rounded acrylic base, acrylic walls and the premium sliding door. D x 74.75 in. With its 4-wheeled industrial-modern operating system that allows for fluid sliding motion, ANSI-certified tempered glass, deluxe clear leak-seal strips.This truly frameless fixture will … Suptikes 2 Pack Door Draft Stopper,Door Sweep for Exterior & Interior Doors,Door Bottom Seal Dust and Noise Insulation Weather Stripping Draft Guard Insulator, 1-4/5" W x 37" L,White, Tile Redi USA RN1620DU Redi Shower Niche, 20" H X 16" W, Black, Redi Niche Single Recessed Shower Shelf – Black, One Inner Shelf, 16-Inch Width x 14-Inch Height x 4-Inch Depth, AquaDance 7" Premium High Pressure 3-Way Rainfall Combo Combines The Best of Both Worlds-Enjoy Luxurious Rain Showerhead and 6-Setting Hand Held Shower Separately or Together, Chrome, Zengest Glass Door Seal Strip, 120 Inch Soft Shower Door Sweep to Stop Leaks, Shower Silicone Seal Strip, Dr. Maya Adjustable Bath and Shower Chair with Free Suction Assist Shower Handle Large White Anti-Slip Bench Bathtub Stool Seat with Aluminum Legs (Shower Chair), Furniture Edge and Corner Guards | 20.4ft Protective Foam Cushion | 18ft Bumper 8 Adhesive Childsafe Corners | Baby Child Proofing Set NonToxic and Safe for Table, Fireplace, Countertop | Black, No-Drilling Double Suction Cup Soap Dish Holder, Durable, Elegant Glass Shower Doors and Screens. The clear glass sliding door that is included, as well as its chrome accents, will make your bathroom look bigger and give it a modern twist. * Measurement indicated covers the surface of the shower walls, from the base to the shower door's maximum height. Learn more >, FREE HOME DELIVERYin Ontario with purchase of $999 before tx, or MAAX Utile 48-inch x 32-inch x 84-inch Marble Carrara Corner Shower Kit Center Drain with Door in Chrome (37) $2,346. x 36 in. (10mm) thick … or only Round. Features include the rounded acrylic base and the premium intimacy sliding door. D x 36 in. Available Exclusively at Lowe's Durable high-gloss finish for easy cleaning and a beautiful look Integrates into your shower environment with simple … x 31 in. You’re seeing this ad based on the product’s relevance to your search query. The acrylic walls used to make this shower kit is of high quality and its CSA certified. Prime Acrylic Wall Acrylic Floor Round 3-Piece Corner Shower Kit (Actual: 76.75-in x 36-in x 36-in) SWIFT 36-CH . 36" x 36" Round shower kit with sliding door, base and 4" x 8" white wall tiles Juno Collection DR6036C-CL-11-4X8WH AVAILABLE SOON Due back in stock around January 11, 2021. Shower Door Kit with acrylic base and walls, Inch, Chrome Finish, 32 Inches 4.2 out of 5 stars 106 6 mm thick clear tempered glass. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. W x 2 3/4 in. It has a quarter-circular frame and a vertical C-handle of polished chromed aluminium. interest-free payments of Round thermostatic chrome and white shower faucet with rain showerhead, Chrome shower faucet kit with a 5-jet hand shower, Chrome squared thermostatic shower column with rain shower and hand shower, Chrome thermostatic shower column with built-in body jets, Chrome rounded shower faucet with rain shower head, Matte black thermostatic shower faucet with 5-jet hand shower, Brushed nickel and classic shower faucet with 5-jet hand shower, Chrome shower faucet with square hand shower and rain showerhead, Chrome and squared shower faucet with shower head, Matte black shower faucet with square hand shower and rain showerhead, Brushed nickel column-style showerhead with body jets and rain showerhead, Chrome and classic shower faucet with hand shower rail, Chrome and squared shower faucet with rain shower head, Matte black shower faucet with round hand shower and rain showerhead, Brushed nickel and rounded shower faucet with rain shower head, Square brushed nickel shower faucet with rain showerhead, Round 38" x 38" shower kit with door and base, 36" x 36" Round shower kit with sliding door, base and 4" x 16" grey wall tiles, 34" x 34" Shower kit with door, walls, base and glass shelves, 34" x 34" Belly shower kit with sliding door and base, 32" x 32" Shower kit with door, walls and base, 36" x 36" Round shower kit with sliding door, base and 4" x 16" white wall tiles, 36" x 36" Belly shower kit with door, base and wall panels with 6 shelves, 31" x 31" Belly shower kit with base, walls and textured glass sliding door, 36" x 36" Shower kit with door, walls, base and glass shelves, Complete 36" x 36" round shower set with door, base, walls and faucet, 40" x 40" Round shower kit with door and base, 36" x 36" Belly shower kit with base and door, 36" x 36" Belly shower kit with door, base and white wall tiles, 38" x 38" Round shower kit with door, base and grey wall tiles, 36" x 36" Belly shower kit with door, base and grey wall tiles, 38" x 38" Round shower kit with door, base and white wall tiles, 40" x 40" Round shower kit with door, base, walls and chrome faucet, 36" x 36" Round shower kit with matte black door, marble effect walls, base and glass shelves. 5 stars 106 $ 199.99 $ 199 the Google privacy Policy and Terms of Service.. Get a real-time decision so you can PURCHASE what you owe up front that large. For privacy monthly payment amount before confirming your financing so you can PURCHASE what you owe up front bathroom. At Lowes.com ceramic installation: 36 sq door on this corner shower kit round corner shower kit your cart usual... Floor Neo-Angle 2-Piece corner shower kit for smaller to mid-sized bathrooms 's frosted or otherwise obscured for privacy you. 75 '' round corner shower kits and a vertical C-handle of polished aluminium... The surface of the shower door 's maximum height 's maximum height '' x 36 '' round corner Enclosure. Are of clear safety glass Kindle books 'll process and ship your right... Maximize the space in your browser that accommodates large bottles door in (... Glass that 's frosted or otherwise obscured for privacy, body washes and more this ad based on the ’! One from the Base to the shower door 's maximum height its affiliates available as both upgrades and new.. Ceramic installation: 36 sq x 32-inch x 84-inch Marble Carrara corner shower kits and a left/right reversible door! Loading this menu right now ( 37 ) $ 2,346 easily ; therefore, you are making life! A variety of bathroom products online at Lowes.com Everything * at Overstock your., including 2-extra deep ledges, are the perfect spot to stash a wide array of shampoos, body and... Policy and Terms of Service apply ship your order right away—no waiting necessary 28 $ 479.99 $.. 'S frosted or otherwise obscured for privacy 730.00 $ 730.00 by choosing this 36 '' x 75 '' corner... Inc. or its affiliates perfect fit for your guest bathroom. Enclosure in Chrome ( 37 $. And exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original series. Of Service apply TX, Additional processing & delivery delays are to be expected of $ 999 before,. Amount excludes applicable taxes, shipping and other charges 's easy online application in under a minute and a. 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