When they did the Second Division faced some 15,300 Russian soldiers. Both Russian columns moved in a flanking fashion east towards the British. After a savage fight, the leading Russian battalions were driven back down the slope. The Russian infantry, in contrast, were still armed with the flintlock muskets carried in the Napoleonic Wars of forty years before. 68th Regiment: 4 officers and 49 men. Cathcart’s men were rushed into the line wherever there appeared to be a gap, other than 400 men that Cathcart himself led in a flank attack on the Russians. Captain Hugh Rowlands, in charge of the British pickets, reported that the Russians charged "with the most fiendish yells you can imagine. As the Crimean War broke out, the British Army’s infantry was being equipped with the new French Minié Rifle, a muzzle loading rifle fired by a cap (all the British divisions, other than the Fourth, arriving in the Crimea with this weapon). This weapon was quickly replaced by the more efficient British Enfield Rifle. Staff: 17 officers (General Cathcart killed: General Buller wounded) Sergeant Major Henry was awarded the Victoria Cross and the Battery was given the title ‘Inkerman Battery’, which it still holds. As they approached, the 300 British defenders vaulted the wall and charged with the bayonet, driving off the leading Russian battalions. Cathcart was killed and his force broken up. 63rd Regiment, later the Manchester Regiment and now the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment. The Russians suffered 12,000 casualties. The allies could have attacked Sevastopol, but the British general and the French commander could not agree on a plan of attack. Scots Fusilier Guards, now the Scots Guards It was Sunday, but the ringing was to encourage the Russian soldiery, rather than to call the faithful to worship. The Russian attack, although unsuccessful, had denied the allies any attempt at gaining a quick victory in the Siege of Sevastopol and condemned the allied armies to two terrible winters on the heights. The Rifle Brigade, now the Rifles. This gave the Russian army an opportunity to gain a crest on the ridge. [13] Such a third attack would have certainly have succeeded, but Soymonov could not see in the fog and, thus, he did not know of the desperate situation of the British. During this fighting General Soymonov was killed by a British rifleman. The Rifle Brigade: 6 officers and 144 men. The fog of the early morning hours aided the Russians by hiding their approach upon the British position. French troops: Battle of Inkerman on 5th November 1854 in the Crimean War. The Grenadier’s Captain Percy received the Victoria Cross for his conduct in the battle, extracting 50 men of his regiment from the midst of the Russians. Five Russian battalions were assailed in the flanks by the British 41st Regiment, who drove them back to the River Chernaya. A further five Russian battalions were assailed by the British 41st Regiment under Brigadier Adams, advancing in extended order.
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