And not that much was said, but you just got that feeling, that blow-by-blow feeling of what was happening. And it’s also about these guys who are heroes, who were willing to give up their lives and leave their families to save 52 Americans that were taken by the Iranian students and held at the American Embassy. TVLine Items: Apple's Supermodels Doc, The A Word Trailer and More. Take a second to support Hammer to Nail on Patreon! Director | | I recently spoke by phone with famed documentarian Barbara Kopple (Miss Sharon Jones!) I mean, there were foundations and it just depended on what they wanted to fund. Barbara Kopple: At the very beginning, when I was starting, which was actually with a military film called Winter Soldier, with a collective of people – it was Vietnam veterans giving testimony of what they did in Vietnam – there was no support whatsoever. Harlan County, U.S.A. (1976), Lowest Rated: And one of the great compliments that came to us was when one of the guys said, “This is like it happened, it’s so close. BW: Thank you for this opportunity, Barbara. And we had a person, who is in Atlanta, who went in all the time and scrubbed through things and sent us things. Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! BK: He didn’t talk about that at all, but what I heard about it is that the Shah was such a good ally to so many presidents and the Shah was dying of cancer and needed medical help, and other countries would not let him in. Bart Weiss: So, it’s been a long journey from Harlan County USA to Desert One. And now, documentaries are the rage. In fact, quite the opposite. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. HtN: How have you seen the role of women in documentaries change over the years? By Rosemary Feitelberg on September 15, 2020 From "Veronica Mars" and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Barbara Kopple Celebrity Profile - Check out the latest Barbara Kopple photo gallery, biography, pics, pictures, interviews, news, forums and blogs at Rotten Tomatoes! Just keep on it and to keep doing it, no matter what obstacles are put in your way. And that’s sort of all I can say, but it’s the first time that they’ve ever been heard. How did you get access to all that material of Jimmy Carter? Barbara Kopple was born on July 30, 1946 in New York City, New York, USA. If he would just have turned him over, none of this would have happened. And I also knew Jerry Rafshoon, who’s in the film, who led Jimmy Carter’s presidential campaign. And when they talk about it, many of them get choked up, and to see these big Delta Force guys, and Special Operations guys, and guys who were in Vietnam really letting you feel their emotions about this is something that was very important to me. BK: Well, a lot of that material of him in the Oval Office and in other places came from the Carter Center. And in narrative films, I think women are finally really breaking in now, but I think we’ve always done documentaries. Using a mix of archival material (including never-before-heard audio tapes), interviews (including one with Carter, himself) and animated recreations, Kopple tells the compelling story of all that went wrong, both with that attempt and with our foreign policy. Praised for putting a human face on a political issue, it was one of 25 films chosen by the Library of Congress to be placed on its Film Registry in 1990. Awards. 1977 Winner Oscar: Best Documentary, Features Harlan County U.S.A. (1976) Primetime Emmy Awards. We’re not going to negotiate with you. She is a director and ... She has directed one film that has been selected for the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically or aesthetically" significant: Harlan County U.S.A. (1976). And other challenges were that because the mission had no footage, we had to recreate it by using animation. Documentarist whose celebrated films have focused almost exclusively on the struggle of workers to form unions. There have been some amazing women documentarians, you among them. And he said that his father died when he was a young man and he never thought that he would feel those feelings again. BW: And I think you probably used all 19 minutes and 40-something seconds in the movie. But the wonderful thing about him is that he wanted to live so badly, which he did of course, so that he could go to his classmates and tell them about this unbelievable sight he saw of helicopters and C-130s and being held hostage in a bus at 11 years old, and it just made it so human because that’s something all of us would do, as well. And now, documentaries are the rage. Why is the story of the Iran hostage crisis important today? BW: Absolutely. A Conversation with Cooper Raiff (S#I%HOUSE), A Conversation with Julie Cohen and Betsy West (RBG), A Conversation with Arthur Jones & Giorgio Angelini (FEELS GOOD MAN), Errol Morris Gets Lost in A WILDERNESS OF ERROR. – Christopher Llewellyn Reed (@ChrisReedFilm). Academy Awards, USA. So there were no photographs, no footage, no nothing. We’re not going to have anything to do with you. HtN: Indeed. It took me three months to be able to film with him. We were very lucky to be able to have access to a lot of that. Lauren Greenfield’s Girl Culture Films Boosts Roster With Dawn Porter, ‘The Breaker Uppers’ Duo, Adds Screening Series, 08 October 2020 So it was rough. And where did those audio tapes of General Jones and Jimmy Carter come from? Liked it? New York, New York, USA. And he also wanted to make sure that all 52 hostages were safe, and he did it with humanity, and he also tried to be very diplomatic and Khomenei would not hear any of that. It’s a reminder of the horrors of war and the roots of conflict between the US and the Iranian government, which still goes on. BK: Those came to us from some friends of ours who had them. And they’re so incredible, because the mission, as you know, was a secret mission. So, as Chris is always interested in access, I’m always interested in the archival material. 1991 Winner Oscar: Best Documentary, Features American Dream (1990) Shared with: Arthur Cohn. Producer | I think I still have that same drive and determination, the same curiosity and passion for filmmaking that I did when I first started. I was nervous I wasn’t going to be able to film with him. Hammer to Nail: And here you are now with a new film, Desert One. Jul 30, 1946, Birthplace: This was really wonderful. I mean, it’s incredible. | to Rebecca take a look back at the career of Armie Hammer on and off the screen. It’s great to talk to a living legend. I mean, there were foundations and it just depended on what they wanted to fund. BW: Do you think Reagan’s team, or Reagan himself, negotiated with Iran, and do you see any parallels with foreign interference in our elections today? 45% BW: That was a really great moment in the film, and it was a really good interview. A member of the Washington DC Area Film Critics Association (WAFCA) and a Rotten Tomatoes-approved film critic, he is lead film critic at Hammer to Nail; Managing Editor at Film Festival Today; the host of the award-winning Reel Talk with Christopher Llewellyn Reed, from Dragon Digital Media; and the author of Film Editing: Theory and Practice. It was directed and produced by filmmaker Barbara … We can’t believe it.” And it made some of them sad, and it made some of them very wistful about it, but that’s what we wanted to do. 100% And you’re the devil.” And it was the destruction of Jimmy Carter and was a very tough thing for him for his campaign. (laughs). And we’d look at the helicopters and the planes to make sure that everything was right, and really worked and listened to the stories that were being told to us by the men to make sure that we had everything right and were recreating the mission in the best way that we could. HtN: I’m always interested in issues of access in documentaries, so I’m curious: did you need U.S. military approval for the project, and were they involved in any way? Lauren Greenfield’s Girl Culture Films Boosts Roster With Dawn Porter, ‘The Breaker Uppers’ Duo, Adds Screening Series, Oscars Predictions: Best Documentary Feature – Election Day Lingers in Multiple Contenders, TVLine Items: Apple's Supermodels Doc, The A Word Trailer and More, ReMastered: Tricky Dick and the Man in Black, We the Economy: 20 Short Films You Can't Afford to Miss, The D.C. Sniper's Wife: A Barbara Kopple Film, Defending Our Daughters: The Rights of Women in the World, Fallen Champ: The Untold Story of Mike Tyson, Small Steps: Creating the High School for Contemporary Arts, Bagels, Borscht, and Brotherhood - Allen Ginsberg. In addition, he is one of the cohosts of The Fog of Truth, a podcast devoted to documentary cinema. And one of the characters in the film they found when they were in a village and they were asking people if anybody had been part of the taking over of the American embassy and holding the Americans hostage. Did he ever talk about that? We had an Iranian crew of women who were just wonderful.
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