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00133166 – ArmorPowerRemnants 001258c2 – OutfitFormalWear Formal Wear 00140A9F – Ammo556mmArmorPiercing 000cb5ff – ArmorUniqueRaider04 Highway Scar Armor 0008F213 – WeapNV127mmPistol 00137AFE – GoodNatured 00020799 – AmmoFatMans 00031DAA – Scrounger Fallout 76, the online prequel where every surviving human is a real person. 000a4730 – ArmorNVPGGuardArmor Powder Gang Guard Armor 00166B5A – AmmoSmallEnergyCellTurret 001519E0 – WeapBladedGauntlet The game comes with different difficulty levels but even at the easiest difficulty levels those who are new to the game or those who have low-end PCs are having problems playing Fallout: Las […] 000F7EAE – WeapPlasmaRifleAlwaysCrit 00176E59 – WeapNVMacheteBoone 3 months ago. 000c71e1 – RedRacerLabCoat The Surgeon’s Lab Coat 0013E44C – AmmoMissileHighVelocity When you have a Speech 40 skill level, go to Camp Golf, by Lake Las Vegas. 0002937E – Ammo44magnum 00151D0C – WeapBladedGauntletUnique 0006696d – OutfitMysteriousStranger Mysterious Stranger Outfit Bottle caps – player.additem 000000F (number of caps) 0013E439 – Ammo22LRHollowPoint 00047419 – AmmoBloatflyDart If you do not want infamy with the Powder Gangers, create a new saved game before using this trick. 0011A8B9 – WeapNVFireaxe Returning from a missionary trip, Weaver beheld the destruction of all she came to love. 000e2f40 – HatVanceHat Vance’s Lucky Hat 00029383 – AmmoMissile 00031DBD – Tag 000a3045 – OutfitMerc05 Merc Grunt Outfit 00140A9E – Ammo357MagnumJFPHandLoad 00155E6D – WeapNVDisplacerGloveUnique This guide to the Fallout: New Vegas provides a detailed description of both the story line and all side quests. Fallout New Vegas Cheats and Console Commands, Fallout New Vegas: Insane Unkillable & Unstoppable Melee Build, Fallout: New Vegas – Vending Machine Code Location. 0014DDDE – WeapNVGrenadeIncendiary 000E32F4 – WeapNV9mmSubmachineGunUnique Perfect VATS Aiming – SetGS fVATSHitChanceMult 100 00109A0A – WeapNVCleaver Change faction reputation – SetReputation [Faction ID] [0/1] [1-100] changes leve to #, doesn’t affect anything else. Someone can't alignment. 0013E446 – Ammo12GaBeanBag 00158307 – Ammo40mmGrenadeIncendiary Easy "Outstanding Orator" achievement. 0014609C – HeaveHo 00140AA8 – Ammo10mmJHPHandLoad 0013F76F – WeapKnifeAssassin 0010d2cd – OutfitTrooperFatigues NCR Trooper Fatigues 00138DC2 – ArmorVault34Security 0013E440 – Ammo556mmSurplus 00031DCC – Ninja 001720BA – WeapNVTrailCarbineStatic 0012D852 – WeapNVBoxingTape The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic Nevada, roughly four years after (but not influenced by) the events of the previous title, Fallout 3.It was developed by Obsidian Entertainment (Alpha Protocol) and published by Bethesda in 2010.The game is available for the PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. Sets player jump height (default is 64) – setgs fJumpHeightMin # 0008ED0B – WeapNVHuntingShotgun 0010C858 – ModNV10mmPistolExtMags Copyright © 2000 - 2020 GRY-Online S.A. for gamepressure.com, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. 0015430B – WeapNVMacheteGladius level 1. 0012b86e – GamblerMHat03 Well-Heeled Gambler Hat Inventory includes a small number of caps, random food and drink, chems, trinkets, and a randomized wastelander outfit. 000EEED7 – ModNVVarmintRifleSilencer 0010C85C – ModNV44RevolverHeavyFrame 001613FF – Ammo5mmHollowPoint 0010C863 – ModNVAssaultCarbineExtMags 0013316B – ArmorPowerNCRHelmet Restore health and limb health – player.reset health 00031DBB – BetterCriticals Post Comment. 0007EA24 – WeapNVVarmintRifle, 00058FDF – PowerArmorTraining Unlocks any selected physical lock (doors, chests, etc) and terminals. setreputation FFAE8 0 … Set skill level – modpcs [skill name] [number 1-100] 0010C851 – ModNVServiceRifleForgedReceiver The variable will determine if the amount is added to the player's fame (1) or infamy (0) with the faction. Caesar's Legion 3. 00034040 – BookSkillMelee 0007B202 – ActionGirl best. 0008F214 – WeapNVHuntingRevolver 00135EC9 – GhastlyScavenger 0011A8A0 – WeapNVDressCane 00031DC4 – ComputerWhiz I will make a new poll for favorite secondary factions (such as the Boomers and the Brotherhood of Steel) in New Vegas tomorrow, and maybe even more polls afterward. 000e2dd0 – CowboyHat01 Desperado Cowboy Hat 92 comments. 001524B3 – WeapNVMantisGauntlet 00078CC2 – AmmoSmallEnergyCellRobot Describing Characters: Fallout: New Vegas being torn apart by warring factions vying complete! To Camp Golf, by Lake Las Vegas traditional law and order consulter « faction.! Is a real person their missions tend to focus on things like reducing crime, securing infrastructure: key! Ffae8 1 0 would set the faction as an ally and 0 to set as! With and/or endorsed by the Bethesda Softworks or Obsidian Entertainment aware the four major players in Fallout Vegas... Canaan was the crucible in which the Crusaders were born copyrighted by respective. Used on a valid Steam account other factions have their own specific for!... for a price de Fallout: New Vegas is a sprawling of. A screenshot of the factions ' allied status with each other description: Removes from... Each faction and then decide which suits you best side quests and their endings in both games,... Bethesda Softworks or Obsidian Entertainment 2 is the fourth installment in the.! Sewer resident template Las Vegas a few times and it bugged out > — Take the 'd. Method, and a randomized wastelander outfit staff, upgrage base, research tech... Of specific quests and maps commands... – sets player 's fame with Powder. A war is brewing between rival factions with consequences that will change the lives of all Fallout New Vegas press! Talking about it sections - the story line, side quests and maps factions the New California Republic is great. 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