"They're highly reputable in everything they've done," he said. It might be a short one. Election 2020: How did Labour lose a seat in the midst of a red tidal wave? All ACT electors may cast a vote at any of the voting locations across the ACT. Voting in the ACT election officially opens on Monday, marking the start of an 18-day pre-poll period during which Elections ACT hopes as many as 80 per cent of voters will cast their ballot. An ANU project, smartvote Australia is an online tool which helps to match voters to the election candidates which share their views on certain policies. The polling won't officially be "declared" for days. Correct. Election 2020: ACT Party hopes to deliver bus-load of MPs after nationwide tour, Police ramp up firearms buy-backs across Auckland, as gun owners call for amnesty extension, party was polling at 1 per cent, few turned out to its annual conference, former Council of Licenced Firearms Owners head Nicole McKee, National always tells people not to vote for, Covid-19 is the biggest issue for everybody everywhere, Coronavirus: One new community case in Auckland, but change to alert level unlikely, Recap: All Blacks vs Australia – Bledisloe Cup II from Eden Park, Election 2020 live: Jacinda Ardern says Labour to form government in 'next two to three weeks', reacts to Covid-19 case, New Zealand stands together as the world burns. His argument was that if Canberra was more affordable then fewer families would be forced to move across the border to NSW, taking their tax dollars with them. READ MORE: If Canberrans heed the message and vote early en-masse, the result of the ACT election will be known within a few hours - if not earlier. With the overwhelming majority of pre-poll votes to be cast electronically, Elections ACT will have access to results not long after the press of a button. But it won't feel like an ordinary election day, and it's not just because the beloved democracy sausage is off the menu due to the coronavirus pandemic. Argument ensues over Seymour’s voting on last year’s Arms Amendment Bill, which all parties except ACT supported. After stumbling through non-answers at the start of the campaign, Coe eventually settled on an explanation. Correct. But on his ninth scheduled street corner meeting of the day, the impression one gets is that of a tetchy politician irked at the public’s inability to grasp nuances of his worldview. "There are positive sides of compulsory systems, but among the lines of criticism is that it also sends a number of people who are ill-informed and do not want to get informed about politics to the polls and their vote counts as much as the more politically-savvy people who really try to follow politics," he said. He’s a National MP and Epsom candidate National always tells people not to vote for. ACT party leader David Seymour practising his dance moves with Dancing with the Stars partner Amelia McGregor in 2018. The pandemic response has been at the heart of its deliberately safe, even boring, campaign, one which has aimed to amplify the message that it was the type of trusted, known quantity needed in government at a time of unprecedented uncertainty. As voting starts in the ACT election on Monday, The Canberra Times and Australian National University have joined forces to help Canberrans make an informed choice at the ballot box. Seymour asks Greens supporters if any of them own homes, or if they rent out properties. Descriptions of Labor as tired, stale and complacent after 19 years in power have been at the centre of the Liberals' campaign, which has aimed to push their party's "fresh vision" for Canberra. Election 2020: Our experts' verdict: Who will win the election - and with what margin? While not predicting a result on Saturday, she questioned whether there was a mood for change in Canberra, even after 19 years of Labor. Heard on All Things Considered. On the Mt Eden street corner, he talks to his constituents about education, but it becomes an increasingly abstract chat about the concept of equity, and he moves on. The parties unveiled most of their major policies in the past two or three weeks, meaning the campaign has petered out in the final days as Barr and Coe front the cameras to repeat well-known messages. The pandemic response has been at the heart of its deliberately safe, even boring, campaign, one which has aimed to amplify the message that it was the type of trusted, known quantity needed in government at a time of unprecedented uncertainty. “Does MMP, as it works at the moment, does that cause sort of weird anomalies like that, and is that good for our democracy?”. But that almost certainly won't be the case in the ACT on October 17. Early voting booths will be set up at 15 locations scattered across the territory. Candice Burch's suggestion that the Liberals would consider Belconnen, rather than Woden, for the next stage of light rail sparked 24 hours of controversy. The ACT election campaign has been fought amid a pandemic. How would the Liberals pay for their promises, without cutting public sector jobs or services, or accumulating more debt? A range of precautions will be taken at all booths to ensure the voting process complies with coronavirus restrictions and public health guidelines. All ACT electors can cast a vote during the voting period at any of the voting locations open across the ACT. But the pre-poll rush has robbed the campaign of its traditional story arc, the typical steady build up of energy and expectation which reaches a climax in the hours before polling day. - NZ Her... Election 2020: Why you're not seeing any political news right now - NZ Herald, Election 2020: Advance NZ get close to 1 per cent, David Fisher: One final election in pursuit of Winston Peters.
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