As the length of the parliamentary term is entrenched, such an amendment would require a 75% supermajority to pass. Waikato took Te Aroha and the remainder of the Matamata-Piako District area from Coromandel, allowing Coromandel to take Omokoroa from Bay of Plenty. The table below shows the results of the 2020 general election: Electorate results of the 2020 New Zealand general election, Andrew Little (07)David Parker (09)Trevor Mallard (11)Kris Faafoi (15)Ayesha Verrall (17)Willie Jackson (19)Louisa Wall (27)Camilla Belich (30)Priyanca Radhakrishnan (31)Jan Tinetti (32) Marja Lubeck (34) Angie Warren-Clark (35) Willow-Jean Prime (36) Tāmati Coffey (37) Naisi Chen (38) Liz Craig (41) Ibrahim Omer (42) Anahila Kanongata'a-Suisuiki (44) Rachel Brooking (46) Helen White (48) Angela Roberts (50), Gerry Brownlee (02)Paul Goldsmith (03)Chris Bishop (07)David Bennett (11)Michael Woodhouse (12)Nicola Willis (13)Melissa Lee (16)Nick Smith (18)Maureen Pugh (19), Brooke van Velden (02)Nicole McKee (03)Chris Baillie (04)Simon Court (05)James McDowall (06)Karen Chhour (07)Mark Cameron (08)Toni Severin (09)Damien Smith (10), Marama Davidson (01)James Shaw (02)Julie Anne Genter (04)Jan Logie (05)Eugenie Sage (06)Golriz Ghahraman (07)Teanau Tuiono (08)Elizabeth Kerekere (09)Ricardo Menéndez March (10), MPs standing for re-election as List-only MPs, Expense limits and broadcasting allocations. On 17 August, Ardern announced that the general election would be pushed back to 17 October while the dissolution of Parliament would be delayed until 6 September. [46], The timetable for the general election is as follows:[45][47], The original date of 19 September was announced before the COVID-19 pandemic had reached New Zealand. The hack was condemned by party leader Baker and deputy party leader Ikilei, who accused their opponents of intolerance. Deadline (12:00) for individual candidates to lodge nominations. ... "Moving an election date… is a significant decision." In a surprise victory, popular MP Chlöe Swarbrick won the Auckland Central seat vacated by National's retiring Nikki Kaye, with a margin of 492 votes over Labour's Helen White. It is illegal in New Zealand to campaign on election day itself, or within 10 metres of an advance polling booth. Examples were Wairarapa,[189] East Coast,[190] Ōtaki,[191] and Rangitata,[192] the latter having never previously voted for Labour. [26], On 23 September 2019, Statistics New Zealand announced that population growth necessitated one additional North Island general electorate,[27] bringing the total number of North Island general electorates to 49 and the overall number of electorates to 72 (reducing the number of list seats available by one). Learn how and when to remove this template message, COVID-19 pandemic had reached New Zealand, Candidates in the 2020 New Zealand general election by electorate, Party lists in the 2020 New Zealand general election, Victoria University of Wellington Students' Association, Opinion polling for the 2020 New Zealand general election, Results of the 2020 New Zealand general election, the highest percentage of LGBT+ members of any national parliament, "Election night results for the 2020 General Election | Elections", "Live: Jacinda Ardern delays election to October 17 amid coronavirus outbreak", "Election 2020: Parliament dissolves, setting stage for election campaign", "Euthanasia bill to go to referendum after knife-edge vote in Parliament", "MPs vote in favour of End of Life Choice Bill at final reading", "Jacinda Ardern hails 'very strong mandate' after New Zealand election landslide", "New Zealand election: Jacinda Ardern's Labour Party scores landslide win", "Media release: 2017 General Election writ returned", "Kingmaker no more: Winston Peters consigned to NZ political history", "TV3 Poll Results | Reid Research | Independent Field Market Research", "Weakness in National's third line of defence has spread to the front line - will it be able to regain credibility to critique the Government's Covid-19 response? In a surprise victory, the Greens' Chlöe Swarbrick won the Auckland Central seat vacated by National's retiring Nikki Kaye with a margin of 492 votes over Labour's Helen White. ACT party leader David Seymour criticised the government's COVID-19 response as "clearly, demonstrably unsustainable", and called for the open pursuing of "having the world’s smartest border, not as a rhetorical device, but a practical reality." "Moving the date by four weeks also gives all parties a fair shot to campaign and delivers New Zealanders certainty without unnecessarily long delays.". New Zealand is currently at alert level 1. The David Seymour who contested the electorate of Whangārei for ACT is a different person from ACT party leader, David Seymour, who re-contested and won his Auckland seat of Epsom. The National's leader Collins conceded the election just after 10pm on election night, but said in her concession speech that "[National] will be back". [105] [45] Political parties would have had to be registered by this day to contest the party vote. Māori Party co-leader John Tamihere said TVNZ had a responsibility to "reflect Māori perspectives, as laid out in ministerial direction". [120][121], ACT launched their party campaign on 12 July 2020. In April 2020, the National Party doubted that the public would be ready for an election in September, and New Zealand First leader Winston Peters called for the election … Announced intention to retire from politics at upcoming election on 25 June 2019. Provided the voter's intention is clear, a tick or other mark placed outside the circle will still be counted as a valid vote. [53] Delaying the dissolution of parliament beyond 12 October 2020, and therefore the election date beyond 28 November 2020, would require a legislative amendment. Consequently, the last day for issuance of the writs of election is 19 October 2020. The writs for the 2017 election were returned on 12 October 2017;[35] as a result, the 52nd Parliament would have to dissolve no later than 12 October 2020. [167], EasyVote packs were sent to voters starting on 28 September 2020. [19], New Zealand uses a mixed-member proportional (MMP) voting system to elect the House of Representatives. On 11 September, National announced that they would allow electric vehicles in bus lanes, make one third of the Government's light vehicle fleet electric by 2023, and aim to have 80,000 electric vehicles in use by 2023 (four times more than there currently were). [110], New Zealand First leader Winston Peters named the provincial growth fund in its current form as his first bottom line for any post-election coalition talks. [182] Official results, including all recounted ordinary votes and special votes, as well as the official results of the two referendums, are expected to be released by the Electoral Commission on 6 November 2020.
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